Wednesday, April 27, 2005

20 things about me you don't know

I collect old medical textbooks. I especially like the ones with pictures of autopsies.

I think a good vacation would be to visit the Mudder Museum of medical oddities.

I like to go to the dentist.

I used to tell my doctor I was a non-smoker, even though I wasn’t. Now that I don't smoke I don't have to lie about it.

I like to do the same things at the same time every day.

I read books every day. My idea of fun is reading books.

I prefer to be alone and would conduct my entire life over the Internet if it were possible.

My motto is “No new people”. I actually say this.

I’d rather live in the city because it’s closer to art, not because there are more people.

I haven’t listened to a commercial radio station in over a year.

I don’t contribute money to any of the many non-commercial radio stations I listen to, even though I know I should.

I like winter better than summer because you can get ready for bed at 5:30pm.

I like winter better than summer because you’re not expected to do as much

Pepe LePew is my favorite cartoon character and my favorite thing he says is les mew. Sometimes I actually say this to my cats and think they understand.

I can laugh at just about anything even though I’m usually depressed. I don’t find this contradictory at all.

I never attended any dances in high school.
Not because I wasn’t asked, but because a guy I once danced with at a Jr High dance said I was sweaty.

I do not like birds or fish. I will eat birds but not fish.

One of my cats is old and cranky and none of the other pets like her. Sometimes I wish she would hurry up and die.

I don’t like to cook even though I can. When someone says a meal I cooked tastes delicious I think they’re lying.

I have a neighbor from Pakistan whose last name is Hussein. When Homeland Security says to “be vigilant” I keep my eye on him.


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