Thursday, May 26, 2005

leave of absence

I will be leaving all of you wonderful and faithful readers for a few days while I depart for Austin for a short fun-packed vacation. I will be visiting my oldest and dearest friend, Tracy, her husband Dave, their 2 teenagers, one teenage neice and two dogs. Add Karen and, you guessed it, INSTANT PARTY. It's such a treat to drink some wine, crank up the Doug Sahm albums and show those teens how we did it in 1978! They are always most impressed and grateful when we impart to them the sacred knowledge of our shared youths.

I will be taking The Box and hopefully exchanging it for The Box that lives at Tracy's house. Being the lazy, spoiled children we are, Tracy & I long ago abandoned any pretext of social decorum and, instead of sending each other birthday and Christmas presents & cards, we would just buy them and put them in a Box until which time we actually got to see each other. I hope this explains why I have not sent any of you a birthday or Chrismas card. It's not that I'm not thinking of each and every one of you during special seasons - I am - it's just that I'm lazy and spoiled.

For your reading enjoyment, I have thoroughly researched some appropriate substitutes for this blog:
Stuck in Rehab With Pat O'Brien
Intellectualize *this one is from Texas. Let us pray.


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